Unique Handmade Products with a Life of Their Own

We are Hedgebound England, a small cottage craft family concern, making unique ceramic wares and handmade items in the heart of the Lancashire countryside.

Our influences are steeped in folklore, folk magic and folk art. We have no doubt been influenced growing up with the tales of witches and magic that Lancashire is so famous for.

We create objects that appear both familiar, yet unique. Our work has a strangely nostalgic feel, though our style is not reflected in any particular era.

Here you'll find creations unlike anything you will find on the high street. Every stage of our process is made by hand, with magical intent and a folk heart.

We model ourselves on the ethics of the Arts and Crafts Movement, and its founder William Morris who said, “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” We create to give soul.

If you so wish we can create pieces to your personal desires by working alongside you to create a specific object, but please understand all pieces will have elements of our unique style within them. For further information please contact us directly through our contact page.